Rather than taking many photos I've recently been working on orginizing them in a better way. Almost done. I've got one more Boston folder and then returning to London photos to redo how I originally orginized those. After that- DONE.
However this blog will die without regular postings so have some graphic design stuff I did in class.

Both of these used the same text. One was created to be image dominated the other text dominated- the only requirements were the inclusion of the text and the emphesis. Images were taken from various websites and edited to better fit what I wanted.

This was suposed to be a response to a lecture about Emigre magazine.

This assignment asked us to create a poster using the lesson 3 design- which I redid with the USN in the bottom left corner.
Expect real photos soon but not before Thanksgiving. I will enjoy my potatoes in peace. Till then don't give up on this blog all ... 3 of you? I'm being optimistic here. If its just me
just me
(just me)*
then farewell.
*that was an echo if you didn't get it.