Friday, October 28, 2005

In boston

Expect few posts as I'm rather busy but here's a couple quick ones...

On the river

Reflection of the lights in the library on the staircase

In the library

Monday, October 24, 2005

So... I'm a lazy/busy punk

It takes a lot of time to make my laptop upload photos (roughly 5-10 attempts before it will actually work) and thus because I've been posting marching band photos on my other website I've not had time to uplad stuff for here.

I made this while goofing off in my graphic design class earlier.

And this is me when I was 8. No suprise I've got an odd view on things is it?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

City by the Bay

Walk by


I can play with light

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

And here we go... only not.

Out of order while poster gets sleep. More to come following the pillow.

Random note- the song Stay or Leave by Dave Matthews Band is beautiful.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Catch up on summer photos

Here comes the sun...

Somewhere east of Chicago

yellow curb

Don't ask why I thought this was cool - I just did.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Totally forgot to post these last night



late evening sky

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Got bubbles?

I've got bubbles

So does this paper weight

uh oh text

If the last few days have not clued you in- a irregular posting pattern is to be expected depending on the amount of work/school and the behavior of my laptop.

If possible I will post again tonight with images.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

September 30th- abridged in photos


Lily and a monk on a cell phone

Wine and ... vase

Send your love... or put a flower in the mail box for a photo

Spider near the front door

My neighbors car with a lily

An evening on the stanford campus begins

As a matter of respect for all the people I met this evening- none of their photos are being posted.